In this article I will briefly review the Amacx Water Bottle Crate that comes with 12 Amacx branded Tacx Shiva Water bottles of 750 ml each. I’ve purchased a water bottle crate to functionally store my Elite Fly Team and Elite Jet water bottles, which are still my preferred water bottles for on my road bike.
Amacx Water Bottle Crate Design
The Amacx water bottle crate comes in the typical blue white Amacx branding and can be purchased both in blue or white option. I personally preferred the white option, because it fits better with pantry furniture.
The dimensions of the Amacx water bottle crate are 40 x 23 x 27,5 cm. (l x w x h) so it perfectly covers the height of a 750 ml Tacx Shiva water bottle. From the top view you can see the honeycomb structure that keep the water bottles locked in the bottle crate.
Finally you can see the Amacx branding on the side and on the upper and bottom edges some ridges to lock the bottle crates if you want to stack two or more on top of each other. On the short sides, you can see an open design, which saves material and gives you a view if the bottle crate is full or empty.
Unfortunately there is not standard set of dimensions, just like beer crates. So I would advise to stay with a single brand, if you want to stack the water bottle crates. I’ve also another water bottle crate from another brand, that has a slightly different design but comes with the same benefits.
Concluding Thoughts and Wrap-up
I’ve purchased an Amacx water bottle crate to functionally store my Elite Fly Team water bottles, Elite Jet water bottles and the Assos Cyclist water bottles, which are still my preferred water bottles on my road bike.
The water bottle crate comes with 12 Tacx Shiva water bottles that can carry 750 ml of sports drink. Please check out the Amacx Istonic sportsdrink that I’ve reviewed a little while ago, which can also be mixed as a hydration drink. Or visit to find out more about the Amacx brand.
I’ve purchased the Amacx water bottle crate with 12 Tacx Shiva water bottles for the price point of € 35,00 You can also purchase the Amacx water bottle crate without the water bottles for a price point of around € 15,00 – € 18,00 ! If you need new water bottles for a year, just go for the version with water bottles, if you have other water bottles than go for the empty version.
For me personally the benefits of having the water bottles stored nice, structured and tidy with the ability to dry by leaving the caps of the bottles is worth the investment.
Would you purchase and use a water bottle crate ?

A comprehensive list with water bottle- and water bottle cage reviews can be found here: