I’ve ordered a Win2 Energy Bar with 500 mg of chia (a super food) from Win2 sports nutrition, just to test and compare it with the PowerBar Ride Energy Peanut Caramel bars that I have been using the last couple of years.
Win2 Sports Nutrition is a relative new Belgian brand of (cycling) sports nutrition, which collaborates with not only professional athletes but also a Nutritionist from the Academic Hospital in Gent.
The Win2 Energy Bar attracted my attention because chia seeds, a well known super food, are used in this energy bar. In addition the Win2 is glutenfree and doesn’t melt.
WEIGHT | ||||
Chia-seeds (Salva Hispanica) | 500 mg | |||
Magnesium | 50 mg | |||
Calcium | 50 mg | |||
Carbo Hydrates | 22 gr |
While I personally don’t have any gluten intolerance, this can be particularly helpful for a particular group of endurance athletes. The fact that the Win2 Energy Bar doesn’t melt is helpful during the hot summer months. I think every cyclist experienced the scenario where you try to eat a regular energy bar on your bike, where melted chocolate wrapping ends upon your fingers, cycling gloves and even bar tape. 🙂
The Win2 Bar weighs 40 grams and is made out of 40% pure almond-pulp and available in the tastes banana, strawberry and almond. There is even a Natrium Plus version of the Win2 Bar available from the Win2 online shop.
The PowerBar Ride Energy bar weighs 55 grams, while the Win2 Energy Bar comes at a weight of 40 grams. Both packaging wraps luckily have tables of per 100 gram values, so I can compare both energy bars a little better.
The Win2 Bar sets itself apart with some unique ingredients compared to the PowerBar Ride bars:
- 50 calcium per 40 grams of the energy bar, not present in the PowerBar Ride Energy bar;
- 0,60% omega 3 per 40 grams of the energy bar, not present in the PowerBar Ride Energy bar;
The PowerBar Ride bar has a higher concentration of magnesium, proteins and salt compared to the Win2 Bars. The Win2 Energy bar has a total energy of 1955 kJ per 100 grams, while the PowerBar Ride energy has 1706 kJ per 100 grams. I’m not sure if you will directly notice these differences on you road bike.
Finally let’s compare the price-point of both energy bars. A Win2 Bar comes at price-point of € 1,49 which is slightly more expensive than the PowerBar Ride Energy bars. The latter cost me about € 1,10 per bar, when you buy them in bulk.
The Win2 Energy bar banana flavor tastes well and is easy to consume. You can see the Chia seeds in energy bar, and there is no chocolate wrapping around the bar, so your hands will stay clean and tidy. If you have a gluten intolerance, these gluten free energy bars from Win2 Sports Nutrition are certainly worth trying.
The little extra in price for the Win2 Energy Bar might be justified, with the use of super food Chia and the high volume of energy. However this is a matter of personal preference. Available via the Win2 webshop or www.duursport.nl
I think it is good that there is some extra competition for the big brands in the sports nutrition market. I’m curious to learn what you favorite energy bar is ?
Interested in other product reviews in the category nutrition, than check out this page. For example for the review of the Win2 Isotonic Electrolyte Sports Drink – Lemon Tea Flavour or Amacx Isotonic Sports drink or Rehydration drink also available through Duursport.nl Another energy bar that I really like is the PowerBar Energize Original Energy Bar. Other categories with reviews can be found below.